City covenant
To face the coronavirus health crisis
About this assembly
The City Pact is a working and consensus instrument that is promoted by the City Council to face the social and economic consequences caused by Covid-19. The Pact's main objectives are to minimize the impact of the crisis, achieve local economic recovery and guarantee the rights of citizens, emphasizing support for the most vulnerable. The elaboration of the pact will be done collaboratively with the representation of the political, social and economic agents of the city.
The plenary session held on May 14, 2020 unanimously approved the promotion of the City Pact with the following objectives:
- Guarantee and adapt municipal finances to the new normality and based on the new priorities that derive from the Covid-19 crisis.
- Re-promote the city at the socioeconomic and civic level, so that Sant Feliu overcomes the situation generated by the crisis.
- Advance with criteria of equity and social justice, so as not to leave anyone behind.
- Build a city model that reinforces health and care.
- Ensure a more sustainable, livable and more cohesive city.
- Take care of the effects that the Covid-19 crisis may generate in public space and its uses.
- Lead collaboration with the private sector, highlighting the set of political and socioeconomic actors in the revival and recovery of the city, through commitment, agreement, co-responsibility and common objectives.
- Maintain momentum and institutional collaboration in the county and metropolitan areas.
The City Pact has been structured in the Plenary of the Pact and in 3 operative work commissions:
- Economic Revitalization Commission
- Commission for the Guarantee of Basic Rights and Citizenship
- Commission for New Uses of Public Space and Equipment.
The Plenary is the decision-making body of the City Pact. It is made up of 40 members, previously designated as representatives of their field.
The plenary sessions are held virtually with the full representation of the representatives that make up the City Pact. They are registered by streaming (with the prior authorization of the participants) and posted in Decidimos.
The plenary has the function of debating and approving the proposals made by the working committees, as well as being able to submit the topics it considers to deliberation.
The commissions are made up of representatives of the Plenary who have shown interest in participating.
What is the composition?
Economic commission See all proposals (40)
C. Guarantee of basic rights and citizenship See all proposals (86)
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