Municipal School Council
Sectorial councils of citizen participation
About this assembly
The School Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat is configured as a consultation and participation body for all sectors affected in the non-university education program within the municipal district of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
- Maintain a current of information, study and deliberation between the municipal administration and the different sectors of the school community about all the actions, the planning and the general problems that affect the educational centers of the city.
- Make it possible for the lines of action of the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat to consult and advise the sectors involved.
- Awareness of the entire city, and citizen entities in particular, about the importance of participation of teaching workers, families and students in the educational process and also in the management of the centers.
- Create channels of collaboration between all sectors in the organization of municipal activities and / or the centers themselves.
The character of a participatory organization of the local educational community, in the non-university education program, will be carried out through the functions of the Municipal School Councils - advice, consultation, proposal and information - in the following questions:
- The agreements and collaboration agreements between the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the educational institutions and organizations that affect teaching within the scope of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
- Municipal actions and regulations that affect complementary and extra-curricular educational services that affect the operation of teaching centers.
- The determination of school sites to be created, replaced or suppressed to achieve the access of all citizens to educational and cultural levels that allow them to be carried out personally and socially.
- The location, construction and / or renovation of the educational centers of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
- Priorities in municipal programs and actions that affect the conservation, monitoring and maintenance of public educational centers.
- The promotion of activities that tend to improve educational quality, pedagogical quality and defense of the active, democratic, scientific, critical and non-discriminatory school, enhancing the adaptation of programming to the environment.
- The planning of enrollment campaigns, the offer of places and the process of admission of students.
- The development of compensatory actions to correct inequalities from the economic, social and cultural context of the student.
- The application of Educational Concerts.
See the regulations and the acts
Reference: santfeliu-ASSE-2019-02-47