Municipal Communication Council
Sectorial councils of citizen participation
About this assembly
The Municipal Communication Council is a consultative body in the field of communication established with the aim of ensuring the continuity, plurality and independence of the municipal media. At the same time, the Council aims to generate debate about the local communication space and channel citizen participation in this area.
The main objectives of the council for this mandate are:
- Guarantee independence, neutrality, as well as the political, social and cultural plurality of the municipal media and the professionals working there.
- Guarantee the professionalism and the quality of the contents of the municipal media, as well as that they have the necessary technical, human and economic resources to do their job well.
- Ensure the use of the Catalan language as a vehicular language in the municipal media.
- Analyze the media situation of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and raise new proposals.
Report from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
The Town Council of Sant Feliu, at the request of the Communication Council, commissioned a report on the municipal publication on paper The Bulletin to commission the Journalism and Communication Laboratory for the Plural Citizenship of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
The report offers a series of recommendations to the City Council in order to improve the publication to make it more effective, encourage citizen participation and comply with the principles of transparency in public local communication.
Report presented by the UAB:
See the regulations and the acts.
Purpose of action
- Estimular la participació de la ciutadania no associada oferint-los un nou espai per participar dels afers públics de la seva ciutat.
- Reunir informació, debatre i difondre informació sobre els temes que afecten a un mateix territori.
- Donar a conèixer les actuacions, novetats i activitats relatives a un determinat territori, per dissenyar-les de manera conjunta i democràtica.
- Potenciar la coordinació entre les institucions i la ciutadania.
- Consell dels barris de Roses Castellbell i Mas Lluí
- Consell dels barris de Les Grases, La Salut, Can Maginàs i Can Calders
- Consell dels Barris de Can Bertrand, Can Nadal, Falguera i Can Llobera